a green bag, knitted white socks, someone knitting on a train

sewing, knitting and other making adventures of late

a list of things made over six months that makes me feel quite prolific!


7 March, 2025

notes, revisions, maybe a bit of showing off. If you’re interested in the specific patterns I used, let me know šŸ™‚

I made these sporty socks from undyed Ashford wool! Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever felt confident enough to completely wing a sock pattern and it turned out great. 

I made this bag (and 4 others out of double faced linen which I donā€™t have photos of). I LOVE the All Well Party Purse pattern from their book How to Sew Clothes. It is especially fun to line if you hate dealing with exposed seams. 

I made (not pictured) a pair of pyjama shorts from a 80’s indian cotton skirt my mum’s friend Jane gave me.

a green bag, knitted white socks, someone knitting on a train
Knitting on a train… that is truly what it’s all about

I made Shreyas a pouch for his pencils from the same double linen. Adding zips to things is so! Fun!! I also fixed his little bike handlebar snack pouch which was useful for bikepacking. I want to make more snazzy bags this year, without a doubt. I also made that linen into a beach towel, one for me, one for my brother, one for my mum.

a green knitted scarf, a grey skirt with pine tree leaves imprinted on it, a blue dress with pale blue prints on it
I will be wearing this dress all autumn! so excited to learn more about indian textile design. Also happy to level up my cables.

I blockprinted this dress and it is the best thing Iā€™ve ever made and Iā€™m going to wear it all winter. Donā€™t talk to me about the multiple times I stayed up past midnight sewing this but I am going to wear it a lot this autumn. I listened to most of the Old Kingdom books (just the original trilogy not the pretenders) while making it and as a result I feel like a minor character in a fantasy novel (who is notably bad at pattern matching) when I wear it. 

I made this swooshy grey skirt with the other blockprinted linen (in a range of iridescent white and blue although the effect is pretty subtle). I like how big and heavy it is, very satisfying. I like how the home blockprinting is a bit uneven and quirky, because it is made by hand; why would I want it to look like it was made by a machine?

I made a cabled! Bobbled! Scarf to improve my cabling skills. It is very fun to wear under a bike helmet, babushka style, and Iā€™m going to wear it all winter. 

a brown woman in an orange dress with vines on it adjusting her brooch; a blue, pink and green abstract apinting
Dress in action at a wedding, painting drying (before this it was a much uglier abstract landscape with bird poo on it). Sophie made the brooch I’m adjusting for the wedding party <3

I made this dress, which I need to alter by letting out the elastic a bit. It is shirred in a fake way (through threaded elastic channels) and doesnā€™t hang quite as nicely as I would like because it has some bits of old sheet underneath so it isnā€™t see through. I traced it off one of my favourite dresses ever (secondhand uniqlo bought in Thailand in 2017) but did some very silly things while cutting this narrow precious fabric and had to add a slit as a result so I could walk. Still looked good when I wore it to be a bridesmaid imo! 

I also made a silky yellow slip dress that needs a serious amount of unpicking and I am very close to turning into a skirt. Bias cut silk is very hard to handle and possibly above my skill level. 

a pair of blurry blue pants with subtle red embroidery, a blue car collage with a pigeon on it, a spinning wheel throwing a shadow across the wall.
a collage! pants! spinning! Would that afternoon spinning wheel shadow have been recognisable to my wiltshire ancestresses?

I made some wordy-collages with Tāmaki Sophie! I plied some yarn (my mother spun the singles). 

When I stayed in my parents house my room was a bit boring so I made a painting with JJā€™s help. Itā€™s not a very good painting. 

I made a beaded hair clip that would look nicer if the glue hadnā€™t turned yellow.  

I made these pants for my sister and the elastic wasnā€™t tight enough but ah well, too late! 

Things Iā€™d like to make in the next year or so: a wall hanging, cushion covers, a denim skirt, a denim pouch, bags with leather straps, bags with natural-dyed canvas, a woven mandolin strap, a colourwork cowl, a linen matching vest and trouser set for my younger sibling, a wedding dress for meeeeee, lots of socks for people I love, the jumper for Shreyas I have been promising for ages, shorts for Shreyas I have been promising for ages, I was going to make a messenger bag for Shreyas but he no longer wants it because he is too exacting a customer I take ages. That is okay, Iā€™m going to make a bag for ƉimhĆ­n though.

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